Thursday, April 12, 2007

Visit to the Met

Sillybilly and I went to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art last month. It actually began as a shopping trip into Manahattan, but he really seemed interested in going to the museum so we went. When we got back home, Sillybilly decided, quite on his own to draw pictures of what he saw. I'll post some of what he drew.

He's had this somewhat morbid fascination with mummies for a while. He seems to be scared of them, but then sometimes talks about nothing but mummies. He wanted to see every mummy that the Met had.There were also a couple of sculptures that he drew. The first was Perseus with the head of Medusa. (Who needs TV for graphic violence?)
We didn't actually see the Van Gogh's. I told Sillybilly that we should buy postcards for Mama and Napoleona and he picked out three different Van Gogh paintings. He drew this from the postcard.

All in all, it was a pretty successful trip. I think next time, we'll bring crayons and paper and he can draw what he sees at the museum.

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