Saturday, May 28, 2005

Update on the littluns

Duncan, as you can see, still enjoys being upside-down. Now his thing is to ask "Where?" and "What's that?" We haven't gotten to "Why?" yet, but I'm trying to get prepared! He is also big on singing with us, which is incredibly sweet. He knows the words (pretty well) to "I've Been Working on the Railroad" and "Old MacDonald" and some of the words to "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot". Duncan also can recite a few nursery rhymes and finger plays.

Rebecca is enjoying standing up and letting go to stand free for a few seconds. She almost seems to be daring herself to do it. She likes to crawl to me when I'm sitting on the floor, panting with excitement, and then pull up on my shirt front. Also fun is walking while holding our hands from an arm-length away; that gets her tremendously excited.

So far, Rebecca has not had any illnesses, not even a cold. Just the sniffles once. Duncan seems to get a fever every few months but it only lasts one night! He is just working through these things as they come, I guess. He tolerates fevers really well, just gets lethargic and sleeps through them mostly.

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